Junior Syndicate

Monday 21 September 2015

Meet Pirate Luke

This pirate is mean. His name is Luke & he is a very evil pirate. He stole 100,000,000 pieces of gold from eight pirate ships by himself,he's sneaky and a skilled fighter. He has rocket boots that make him fly out of danger. His two double ended swords help him to fight. The pockets on his pants are holders that hold his swords so they don't fall out and so he doesn't lose them. His belt can shoot lasers out of them, people don't even know where they come out of. His crown senses gold where ever is. He does not look after his big, old, dried hair it's all crispy and it's going to break. His tattoo actually is two slices of a sword, but it turned into a scar.HE HAS SOME COOL SECRET'S!
By Quintin

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