Junior Syndicate

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Pirate Pat

Pirate pat has a broken arm because someone chopped some of his arm off in a fight.He has an eye patch because he triped on a rock and smashed his eye on the ground. Pirate Pat has sharp teeth because people pull his teeth down.He has a long moustache and he's funny and scary. Pirate Pat has lots of stubble on his chin because he has not shaved in 8 days.
Typed by Cooper.                                                                                                                                                             

Pirate Zac

Pirate Zac has a wooden leg because he was in a fight with other pirates. Pirate Zac has a black eye patch because his eyeball fell out when a sword went into his eye.Pirate Zac has a belt so his pants don't fall down.Pirate Zac has a golden tooth to look very scary.
Typed by Isaac

Monday 21 September 2015

Evan's pirate description

The pirate has missing teeth. He has dirty fingers and nails because he does not wash. It's the same with his teeth! He has long hairy hair because he does not brush his hair. He has an eye patch on the left eye that was damaged in a fight. He has stubble because he does not wash his face. His tattoo looks like a stamp. He also has a wooden leg, that was because somebody tried to shoot him down.
Typed by Evan

Pirate Nicky

Pirate Nicky has a hairy beard. He has a black eye patch and he has a pirate hat. Pirate Nicky fights with his sword.
By Zuhayr.       

Meet Pirate Luke

This pirate is mean. His name is Luke & he is a very evil pirate. He stole 100,000,000 pieces of gold from eight pirate ships by himself,he's sneaky and a skilled fighter. He has rocket boots that make him fly out of danger. His two double ended swords help him to fight. The pockets on his pants are holders that hold his swords so they don't fall out and so he doesn't lose them. His belt can shoot lasers out of them, people don't even know where they come out of. His crown senses gold where ever is. He does not look after his big, old, dried hair it's all crispy and it's going to break. His tattoo actually is two slices of a sword, but it turned into a scar.HE HAS SOME COOL SECRET'S!
By Quintin

Oliver's pirate description

Pirate Skally has a glass eye that he cannot see out of. He has a scar on his face, it was from a sword. One of his legs is a wooden leg because it got caught in the rope. Pirate Skally has a tattoo because his friend has one. He has dreadlocks in his hair because he does not brush his hair. He has smelly clothes because he does not wash his clothes and and he has not had a shower in 4 days. Pirate Skally has yellow teeth because he has not brushed his teeth in 40 days. He has a broken arm because a sword chopped off his arm, then he got a robot arm. He has a moustache because he wanted one that was curled up.
By Oliver

Shaye's Pirate description

This pirate is called Peat. He has a scary eye patch and under the eye patch he has a glass eye. He has an gold tooth. Pirate Peat is very, very dirty but he doesn't care and he has a scary tattoo.  He has a big beard and he hasn't shaved for a very, very long time and he has lots of stubble on his face. He has a broken arm because he got it stuck in a door. My pirate is clever because he stole 100 bits of treasure.
Typed by Shaye

Rosalynn's pirate description

Pirate Jake has a tattoo on his leg. He has an eye patch on his face and he has got a pirate hat. He has some sharp teeth and a gold tooth. He is unclean.
Typed by Rosalynn

Senna's Water Cycle picture

Selena's Water Cycle picture

Sina explains the Water Cycle

When it rains, evaporation starts from the sun and the gas goes up in to the sky. The next step is the gas turns to water droplets in the cloud this is called condensation. Then it starts to rain and that is called precipitation. Then it goes down in to the water it is called collection
Typed by Sina

Noah's Water Cycle picture

This is Zuhayr's Water Cycle picture

Look at Chevy's Water Cycle picture!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Pirate Alexander. By Xander

Pirate Alexander has a bad tattoo on his arm. Pirate Alexander has a wooden foot because somebody chopped his foot off! He has stinky clothes because he does not wash them for days.
By Xander

Pirate Robbery

Pirate Robbery has a moustache that's short. He has long hair because he didn't brush his hair. He has tiny stubble because he was not shaved for 5000 weeks. He has a heart-shaped tattoo on his left arm and the tattoo is black. He wears an old pirate hat because his pirate hat is from when he's young. He wears a patch-up shirt because the shirt is old. His name is Robbery because he is a robber. He is 699 years old! He is very, very, very, very old! He is a very, very, very bad pirate! His home is a pirate ship because he's a pirate. We don't like him because he is bad! He is bad as a baddie. He is unhappy. His pirate ship goes to Jiccy Island, Morra Island, Selffina Island and Pane Island. When he sees an island, he will check the island is Jiccy Island, Morra Island, Selffina Island or Pane Island. He has two boys called Alex and Alexander. Sadly, his mother and father died when he was 50 years old. Alex is his young boy and Alexander is his old boy. Both of his children has no children. He loves his family. His young boy likes to act a fool and his old boy likes to write some words in spelling mistakes.
Typed by Cindy

Thursday 10 September 2015

Delton explains the water cycle

The sun heats up the water. The water goes up to the cloud. This is called evaporation. The water turns into clouds. This is called condensation. Then it rains and this is precipitation.

The Water Cycle. By Cooper

The sun heats the water and it gets hot and its called Evaporation. There are little droplets that get bigger and bigger because they join together to make clouds,this is called condensation. The water droplets bump together and it rains but you can have hail, snow or sleet and this is called precipitation.There are mountains that have water on it and that water flows down the mountains and goes to the sea or a river.
Typed by Cooper

Monday 7 September 2015

Indiana explains why we need the sun for The Water Cycle

We need the sun because it heats the water to make water vapour, this is  called  evaporation. The gas turns into little droplets and when the droplets form a cloud the cloud gets heavier and heavier, this is called condensation. Then it rains this is called precipitation. The water falls to the earth and collects in a pond, lake or the sea. This is called collection and the water cycle starts again.
Typed by Indiana  

Thursday 3 September 2015

Abigail explains the Water Cycle

We need the sun for the water to go up to the sun as water vapours. This is called Evaporation. The next step is, the gas turns into little droplets in the cloud. This is called Condensation.The little droplets of water bump into each other and make bigger droplets of water.Then it starts raining.This is called Precipitation. It goes into the river and then joins up to the lake and then goes to the ocean, this is called Collection.
Typed by Abigail     

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Look at Xander's picture of The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle. By Evan

We need the sun and the sun heats up the water. The changing of water into a gas is called Evaporation. The change of water vapour into water droplets is called Condensation. When the clouds get full and heavy, it starts to rain. This is called Precipitation. When it starts to rain, it rains everywhere like on the hills or falls on the rivers or the sea, this is called Collection.
 Typed by Evan

How the Water Cycle works. By Rosalynn

The sun heats up the water. The water goes up to the cloud. This is evaporation. The gases turn back in to water again this is called condensation. When it rains little droplets of water comes down it is called precipitation.  The water comes together. In the river or sea this is called collection.
By Rosalynn 

The Water Cycle. By Gunn

We need the sun to warm up the water, this is called evaporation. Next, the water vapour goes up and gets cold and the water vapour turns into little droplets and collect together and makes clouds and this is called condensation. When the clouds get heavy and it rains and it is called precipitation.When the rain stops the water collects together and it is called collection.
Typed by Gunn