Junior Syndicate

Friday 28 August 2015

Jesse explains The Water Cycle

You need the sun to heat up the water this is called evaporation. Next the gas which is the water goes up where it's very cold and it turns into little rain drops and forms a cloud and it is called condensation. Some of the little rain drops are still in the cloud and they bump into each other and form a big one and they drop as rain, it is called precipitation. When the rain falls it collects into a river or an ocean this is called collection. It goes around in a circle this is all called the water cycle.
Typed by Jesse

The Water Cycle. By Cindy

1. The sun heats up the water making a gas. It is called water vapour. This is Evaporation.

2. The water vapour turns into little drops. This is Condensation.

3. The clouds get full with water drops and it fall down. This is Precipitation.

4. Water empties into oceans and lakes. This is Collection. Then it starts all over again.

Typed by Cindy

The Water Cycle By Quintin

When the sun shines it makes water turn into a gas and its called evaporation. When the gas goes up it turns into little  droplets that form a cloud  this is called condensation. When the droplets join together they get heavy and start to fall, this is called precipitation. When it rains water or snow or hail and sleet fall down and it makes a collection, this is called collection. Then the water cycle continues again. 
Typed by Quintin

Read what Shaye has learned about The water Cycle

You need the sun to heat up the water, this is called evaporation. Next the gas goes up where it is very cold and turns into little rain drops, this is called condensation. The clouds get heavy and then the rain drops join together and then they fall this is called precipitation. When the rain falls it goes into a river or an ocean, this is called collection.
Typed by Shaye

The Water Cycle.

First we will need the sun. Do you know what the sun does? It makes the water go up and it makes it turn in to water vapour and this is called evaporation. The water vapour gets colder and creates a cloud and then inside the cloud the water vapour turns back into tiny water droplets and it is called condensation, then they connect and get heavy and then fall down. This is called precipitation. Next the water that has fallen from the sky collects and makes a collection of water. Like in a river or a lake or the sea.
By Cohen

Friday 14 August 2015

What does an unpolluted pond look like?

An unpolluted pond has lots of wild life like squirmy eels and happy fish. The water is so clear and shimmery that I can even see my reflection. The air is so clean and fresh for the animals to breathe in.   
Typed by Noah                                                                                    

The unpolluted pond is blue and clean that has healthy plants.All the crawling insects are happy because it's not dirty and it's peaceful. Fish and insects have healthy clean air to breathe.People can see their own reflection in the see through clean pond.The pond is sparkling with bubbles that explode in your face.
Typed by Quintin

An unpolluted pond has green lilly pads. The insects are happy because the water is clean. There is clean blue water and when I look down into the water I can see my reflection. The water is sparkling and clean.
Typed by Rosalynn.

An  unpolluted pond is a clean pond.  The fish are happy. The fish will be healthy and there are beautiful flowers.
By Senna

An unpolluted pond is clean. All of the fish and insects are happy there are lost of soft lily pads. The air is clear. All of the insects are happy and there are lots of soft lily pads. The air is clear.
Typed by Sina.

In an unpolluted pond, the flowers are beautiful and they smell nice. The pond is bright and the air is fresh for the frogs. The pond is not dirty and not sticky. The water is not smelly or disgusting.
Typed by Xander.

An unpolluted pond has fresh water. A clean pond has 516 green plants. The beautiful flowers smell nice. In a clean pond, the fresh air makes frogs relax. Some butterflies are very colourful and bright.   
Typed by Isaac        

An unpolluted pond is clean. There are some tiny insects and green lily pads. There are some green, fresh healthy plants, too. I can see some spotty mushrooms and a flower. The flower is pretty. The water was blue. I can see the reflection of me. The fish are happy. There are big and small ones. I can see the clean fresh air.

Typed by Cindy

An unpolluted pond is beautiful and sparkly. It has fresh air and clear water. Fish are happy because they have clean water to swim in. The water is see through. I can see my reflection in the water. There are green tall plants. The water is sparkling and there is clear blue sky with butterflies flying up and down.
Typed by Shaye.


This is what a polluted pond looks like...

A polluted pond has brown muck and old dead plants.  There is poisonous water because humans have dumped all their smelly rubbish into the pond, like old dog bones and old empty spray cans. All the plants are dead because of the polluted smell and dirty water. The sludge is thick and slimy.
Typed by Noah             

In a polluted pond there is lots of stinky rubbish, like an old shoe or a can of paint or a black round tyre. I would keep the pond clean. I don't like polluted ponds, I like clean ponds!
Typed by Indiana.


A polluted pond has very stinky water and it is very bad for the fish. They will get sick and some will die. The polluted pond has dirty, smelly air.
Typed by Abigail.

The pond is dirty. The pond is sticky. The water is smelly and disgusting.
Typed by Chevy

A polluted pond has oily water and it is smelly. There is wet slimy, muck and the muck is brown. People just throw trash in the polluted pond, The trash is yuck. The air is unclean and it is hard to breathe it has stuff blowing around. The fish are sad and some die. 
Typed by Cohen

An polluted pond has stinky air. Fishes die because there is rubbish all over it. There is dirty water because of the rubbish. The plants die because it has dirty rubbish and the fish are sad because they get sick and die. 

Typed by Gunn    

A polluted pond is dirty. The water is not clean. All the fish are sad. Some of them have died. There is rubbish like a can or a dirty bed with muck on it. The car is crushed. There is the muck that's brown. The air is dirty.

Typed by Cindy

A polluted pond has unclean water because of the rubbish that's in it. The air is dirty and theres poisonous sewerage coming out of a pipe. On the land next to the pond, there is brown slippery muck and tyres are in the water. Some of the fish are sad or even dead. The fish don't want a polluted pond because it's smelly and dirty and it's got cans in it too.
Typed by Jesse

An dirty and polluted pond has rotting rubbish. It has brown and yellow plants, smelly muck and dirty muck. There has brown water, old rubbish and unclean air. In the pond there is a big fat hose in and it has dark oil. There is mushy sludge and gloopy muck.
Typed by Evan