Junior Syndicate

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Shaye's sock puppet is PRETTY!

My sock puppet has curly long hair. It has bright pink hair and it has googly eyes that are little. It has a sparkly pom pom on it. It has an 's' on it because my name starts with 's'. I think my sock puppet is pretty because it has a crystal on it .
Typed by Shaye

Senna's sock puppet is SUPERB!

My sock puppet is a big rat. It has sticking out hair. It has a pony tail and he has a pop out nose.
Typed by Senna.

Friday 26 June 2015

Lorenzo's sock puppet is AMAZING!

My sock puppet is dangerous. He slithers across the whole country so he can catch food. He glows in the night like lightening. He has googly eyes so he can see from far away. He has a sticky tongue so he can climb. he has a stripy body so he can camouflage. He has spiky hair so he is crazy. he has the best nose so he can smell danger.
Typed by Lorenzo

Isaac's sock puppet is OUTSTANDING!

My sock puppet is a tiger because it has tiger antennas. My sock puppet has 11 noses on it to help it smell food. The sharp tongue can
get people. The long hair is very colourful. The shiny glitter can help it see in the dark. I think my sock puppet is very cool.
Typed by Isaac. 


Cooper's sock puppet is FANTASTIC!

My sock puppet is a zombie. My sock puppet has chicken pox because he got it from a bug. It has long arms because it is a zombie. The shiny nose is like a torch so it can see in the dark. My sock puppet has googly eyes so it can scare other animals. The stripy tail has dry skin on it. I think my sock puppet is funny because it tells jokes.
Typed by Cooper.

Xander's sock puppet is MAGNIFICENT!

My sock puppet is a super hero. It has a cape to help it fly. My sock puppet has some googly eyes and a pompom nose to help it smell. The button eyes help it to see when it is flying. It has a long sticking out tongue. I think my sock puppet is super!
Typed by Xander

Thursday 25 June 2015

Quintin's sock puppet is AWESOME!

My sock puppet is a vampire and has a vampire, bleeding tongue sticking out of its mouth and it is pointy. It has a handle hat and it is a 'party vampire' ready to party. It has spiky sticking up hair on its head. On its stomach, it has glittery buttons that glow and glitter a lot.
Typed by Quintin.

Cohen's sock puppet is INCREDIBLE

My sock puppet has curly hair that is tangled.
It has a moustache that is thick. On my sock puppet it has a robot. On the robot it has an
antenna. It isn't real it is just on the sock. It has huge eyes to see in the dark. The eyes are round. It has a pom pom nose that is sparkly and it has fur sticking out. 
Typed by Cohen.

Friday 19 June 2015

Jesse's Robot

My robot has suction pads. The suction pads help my robot from tripping. My robot has a screen to tell us things. The robot's head is made from metal and it's body is made from aluminium. My robot runs by electricity. The robot has three buttons the first button makes it do your homework for you. The next button glow in the dark and the last button builds for you. I think robots are more clever than us.
Typed by Jesse

Thursday 18 June 2015

Read about Abigail's robot...

This is my robot. It has suction pads. the suction pads are for my robot to hold onto the floor so it doesn't fall over. My robot is made out of metal. The metal can be recycled. My robot has buttons. The first button can make it go off and on. The second button can make it talk. The last button can make it walk. I think that suction pads are very good.
Typed by Abigail. 

Look at what Sina's robot can do..

My robot has a screen for typing messages. The buttons help him to talk. My robot has suction pads so he can stay on gravity and my robot is made out of golden metal. It does my chores for me. My robot has glowing boots. I think robots are scary but not my mine because I feel so happy when I see my robot.
Typed by Sina

Lorenzo's robot

My robot can walk because he was made to walk. My robot can swim. He can make anything   because he has making hands. He needs electricity because he can't work without electricity. He is made out of metal and he has antennas so he can call people if he has to. He has suction pads on his boots. I think robots are cool.
Typed by Lorenzo

Player 1

Oliver's robot..

Oliver drew his robot on Kid Pix.

Chevy' s robot

My robot  is made of metal. He runs by electricity. The robot has three buttons. The lights are on his eyes and body.
Typed by Chevy

Look at Delton's robot

My robot is made of metal. he has buttons for 'on' and 'off'. The electric light makes the robot move and his arms can grab things.

Typed by Delton.

Shaye's robot looks like this..

My robot is made out of boxes and it has three buttons. It has electricity. My robot has boots and they have pads. One button makes it move and the other button makes it talk. The other button makes it jump! My robot is nice. It has big boots and it is pink. It has a screen and it has antennas. I think robots are cool because they can do your homework!
Typed by Shaye

This is Rosalynn's robot

My robot has a screen and buttons. One goes off and one goes on. It is made out of aluminium and it uses electricity to make it talk. It can glow in the night. I think robots are clever.
Typed By Rosalynn.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Read about Gunn's robot

My robot is made out of metal. My robot has four buttons. The first button can clean. The second button can make it swim. The third button can make it talk. The last button can do your work. My robot has an antenna because he can save mail. My robot uses lightening to make electricity. 
Typed by Gunn

This is Evan's Robot

My robot has lightening on it's head. It uses electricity in his lightening head to give it power. If you push my robot's first button, he will fight and if you push another button he will shoot his power. The last button will make him fly into the sky. I think robots are fantastic because some can fly.
Typed by Evan.

Read about Noah's Robot

My robot's name is Rupert, he has pop out wings on his back. He is made out of aluminium and he also has buttons. The first button makes his wings pop out. The second one turns his magical suction claws to stop him from getting captured. He has a screen to show him what is coming up. His antenna helps him to get in control. I think that robots are cool because they have weapons.
Typed by Noah   

Cooper's robot.

My robot is made out of aluminium so it doesn't break. My robot has six eyes so it can see when it is walking backwards. My robot is funny because he tells jokes. My robot has rocket boots because when people attack him he flies up.
Typed by Cooper.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Find out about Cohen' s Robot

My robot has an antenna to give it powers. It is metal so it doesn't get killed. It has a screen to reflect stuff and it has electricity to make it move. My robot is made out of aluminium. It has suction pads on its boots. My robot has lightening to strike down bad people and it has two buttons. One button makes it go on the other one makes it go off.  I think robots can turn there head backwards because they have no neck.
Typed by Cohen

Read about Xander's Robot

My Robot is made out of aluminiun.The antennas are made out of metal. It has suction pads so it can stick to stuff.

By Xander

This is Selena's robot

My robot is made out of metal. It has electricity to make it work. It has blue lights and the buttons make it work.

By Selena

Quintin's Robot

This robot is mine. He is bad and he is made out of metal. It can shoot lasers out of it's eyes and the lasers are like fire. His name is Luke and he has  a heater on his stomach. He has suction pads on his hands and feet that are really sticky. My robot has. a button on him that controls his body. He has an electronic brain in his metal head. He has   sensored eyes to see everything 1,000 kilometres away. I think robots are incredible and cool because they can fly and they can they can lift anything.

Typed by Quintin

Look at Indiana's Robot

My robot has two antennas with electricity in them and it also has buttons. The first one makes it talk, the second button makes it walk and the third button makes it swim. It has a screen so it can learn everything in the whole wide world. I think ... Robots are cool because they walk cool!
Typed by Indiana.

Monday 15 June 2015

Isaac's Robot

The wheels can drive and walk. My robot is made out  of metal and tins and aluminium. The antennas use electricity. One button can make it swim and the other button can make it do my homework for me. The last button can make it fly.
Typed by Isaac.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Senna's Robot

My robot is made out of aluminium. The robot has buttons
to make it talk. Electricity makes the robot move. I didn't
think that robots could talk.
Typed by Senna.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Cindy's Robot is 2 octaves bigger than Cindy

My robot is made of metal. He has an antenna and lots and lots of buttons to do everything. He can also talk. When he talks, he gives me a smile or a jump. He has magnets under his feet. He always, always, always stays at my house. He is in our family now. He doesn't want to go to school. After school, he likes to play with me. He walks to robot school everyday. He and my family drive everywhere. He sleeps with me everyday.
Typed by Cindy.

Cindy at the Disco

On Friday I went to the Disco. I dressed up like Snow White. My dress was yellow and blue. I looked pretty. The music was loud. I liked dancing.
By Cindy

Monday 8 June 2015

Old Toys and New Toys

Last week we sorted old and new toys in our topic. We thought of words to describe the old and new toys. Today we started to write our own definitions.

Old toys are made of wood, they are hand made. New toys are made of plastic. They are bright colours.
By Delton

Old toys are just for looking. They are hard and they are made out of wood. New toys are more fun. New toys have no scratches and most new toys have bright colours.
By Evan   

Old toys are precious  and delicate. Some old toys are made of wood and some old toys can be dull colours. Some old toys are for looking at because they are very, very old. New toys have bright colours. Some toys are electronic. New toys are fun to play with.
By Shaye. 

New toys are cooler than old toys. Old toys are for looking at but new toys you can play with. Some old toys are made out of wood and some new toys can be made out of metal.
By Jesse


Friday 5 June 2015

What am I?

I have two eyes, two arms and two legs. I am soft and fluffy. You can cuddle me. What am I?
By Chevy

I am green and dark green. I am made out of wood and rope. I hit balls. I am very old. What am I?
By Noah

I am a boy and I am green, red, brown and white. I am made out of plastic and I am strong, If you turn me as hard as you can, I will jump out! Who am I?
By Evan

Taking apart a video recorder!

When it was Science and Technology Week, we had fun taking an old video recorder apart and seeing what it was like inside!
By Cooper, Isaac, Cohen


When we were studying about ANZAC Day, Oliver brought some artefacts to school that his family had at home. Read what he has typed all by himself.

I am wearing my great, great Grandad's medals.

These are empty bullet cases. One was made into a bottle opener.

This is a drink bottle.

This is a belt worn with a soldier's uniform.

This is a BIG medal.

Look at me!