Junior Syndicate

Friday 22 May 2015

Marble Movers

This is my marble mover. It is made out of a kind of rock that is  squishy. THE BROWN STUFF  are sticks that are wooden. On  the every side there are my marbles for my marble mover.
Typed by Quintin

This is my marble mover I made it out of half a table and some cardboard. 
Typed by Sina

My marble mover is made from a cardboard box and paper. It looks awesome. The marble zooms out of the special door.
By Indiana

Sunday 17 May 2015

Designing and making a swing for Sunnybee

Last week it was Science and Technology Week at Sunnybrae. A challenge for the Junior School was to design and make a swing for Sunnybee. We could only use two chairs, newspaper, sellotape and string. We did well to co-operate and problem solve in our group.

Friday 15 May 2015

Our trip to MOTAT

MOTAT was cool. We saw a carriage with a horse pulling it. We went on a tram and Sina wore the 
tram drivers hat. 
By Abigail

Yesterday I went on a a bus to MOTAT. My favourite thing was the ride on the tram and looking in the church too. We were all in groups. I saw some fire engines and an old big tram. After a while it was lunchtime. So, we all went back to have lunch. Then, me and my class went to learn about old toys.
By Jesse.

The tram driver let me wear his hat. It was really cool!
By Sina

Yesterday the year two classes went to MOTAT. We went on the tram and went to the old shop and the old school.
By Selena

Delton's Marble Mover

This is my marble mover.
By Delton

Oliver's Marble Mover

I made my marble mover from containers pipes cups and metal. 
By Oliver

Friday 8 May 2015

Our Marble Movers

Today there was lots of excitement in the class when we bought our marble movers to school!!!!!

Everyone liked my marble mover.
by Isaac.


I made  my marble mover out of a plastic bottle, shoe box and tubes.
By Cooper.

My Dad made my marble mover and it is fast.
By Lorenzo.

My marble mover was made with cardboard tubes.
by Xander.

My marble mover is made from a cardboard box. 

This is my marble mover. I made it myself. By Senna


My Grandad is clever. He helped me to make mine.
By Shaye

Friday 1 May 2015

Our Technology Challenge

Next week will be Science and Technology Week. Today we practised making a swing for Sunnybee. We were only allowed to use newspaper, sellotape, string and two chairs.

We made a swing for  Sunnybee. By Senna
It was tricky. By Rosalynn
I made a swing with Indiana. By Isaac.

I made a swing with Evan and Noah. 
By Sina.